Workshop: Smart Contracts (english)

Learn, Build, and Deploy

Blockchain and smart contracts are reshaping industries, enabling secure, transparent, and automated transactions.
This hands-on workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to smart contract development, equipping you with the essential knowledge
and practical skills needed to navigate this evolving space.


What you will learn:

  • The fundamentals of blockchain and how smart contracts work
  • How to read and understand smart contract code
  • How to deploy and test your own basic smart contracts
  • The structure and function of a basic token contract

This workshop is designed for professionals, enthusiasts, and innovators looking to deepen their understanding of smart contracts— no prior software development experience is required. A basic knowledge of blockchain concepts is helpful but not necessary.

Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate of completion.


Preparation & Requirements
To participate in this workshop, you must have a MetaMask wallet installed. Upon registering, you will receive detailed instructions via e-mail on how you can install a MetaMask wallet. Think of a MetaMask wallet as the account you need to interact with blockchains & web3.


Price: € 1.000,- excl. VAT

Nova Heidt

Frankfurt School Blockchain Center

Nova Heidt is a research associate at the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center and a self-described “crypto nerd”. She has been deeply involved with digital currencies since 2016. Following the principle of learning-by-doing she quickly gained hands-on experience with a wide variety of blockchains, projects, and decentralized applications. She is now using her experience to bring the ecosystem forward through education.

Nova Heidt

Frankfurt School Blockchain Center

Valentin Seehausen


Valentin Seehausen is a dedicated Economist and Blockchain Developer on a mission to create a stable monetary system. With his unique blend of financial economics expertise and coding skills, Valentin focuses on DeFi protocols, CBDCs, and full-reserve stablecoins to drive innovation in the digital finance landscape.

Valentin works as a Senior Developer Relation Engineer at Safe, the leading Smart Account solution, where he educates developers about Safe’s technology stack. As a Board Member at the Digital Euro Association, Valentin is at the forefront of the digital payments industry. He also leads the Smart Contract Development Module for the Masters in Blockchain & Digital Assets program at the Frankfurt School of Management and Finance.

Valentin Seehausen

09:00 am- 06:00 pm
Valentin Seehausen

Valentin Seehausen

Nova Heidt

Nova Heidt


Part 1: Foundational Knowledge & Theory
• Recap: Blockchains & Smart Contract Platforms
• Smart Contracts & Practical Examples
• Tokens & Tokenization of Real World Assets
• DeFi, dApps & Interacting with Web3 (Metamask Required)
• Hybrid Smart Contracts & Oracles
• Intro to Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)


Part 2: Practical Smart Contracts & Smart Contract Deployment
• Deployment of a smart contract
• Smart Contract 101: Basic control structures
• Intro to variables and variable types
• Creation, deployment and interaction with an ERC-20 token


Stephan Mänecke

Leiter Börsen-Zeitung LIVE

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Workshop: Smart Contracts (english)

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Workshop: Smart Contracts (english)